Absolute beginner's guide to Neocities
Display last update and visitor count on Neocities
Creating a 404 page on Neocities
Creating a backup of your Neocities website
General tutorials
The HTML skeleton
Creating and styling background images
Creating and styling lists
Creating and styling text columns
Using custom fonts
Using RSS on a static website
Using flexbox
Including CSS on your website
Absolute and relative links
Using CSS variables
Show an image thumbnail when you share your site
Make a website responsive
Create a website form using Discord
Redirect a webpage to another page
Displaying a Dreamwidth blog on your site
Mastering position:absolute
Neocities-specific tutorials
Absolute beginner's guide to Neocities
Display last update and visitor count on Neocities
Creating a 404 page on Neocities
Creating a backup of your Neocities website
Project tutorials
Understanding and tweaking my layout maker